Arizona Fishing Report
Arizona Fishing Report – May 2017
BECKER LAKE – Fishing is good. Becker Lake is open to catch-and-release only for trout, artificial fly and lure only; single barbless hooks only. No bait. No trout may be kept. Large rainbow trout are being caught nymph fishing under a strike indicator at 8-10 feet. Tiger trout are also being caught. The Becker Lake hosts are back, be sure to ask them what is biting and welcome them back!
BIG LAKE – Fishing is fair. Try cow bells, PowerBait, or worms fished off the bottom for rainbows, or flyfishing for cutthroats. There has been an active surface bite just before dark. Railroad Cove and South Cove are okay places to launch boats, South Cove is probably better than Railroad.
CARNERO LAKE – Fishing is excellent. Fish surveys show large healthy 20 inch rainbows and 15+ tigers. There was an unconfirmed report of an 18-inch tiger trout caught this week. Weeds are low and the water level is high! To apply for the state record or fish of the year, a picture of the fish must be taken on a reliable ruler. See pg. 42 of our regulations for more details! Fish are biting on black woolly buggers and nymphs.
CLEAR CREEK RESERVOIR – Fishing is fair for trout, but fair for sunfish, bullheads, and bass. Trout were stocked last week in the narrow near the county facilities (just downstream of the bridge).
CONCHO LAKE – Fishing is fair. Trout were last stocked in April.
CRESCENT LAKE – Fishing is fair to good! pH levels are starting to rise and the fishing is starting to slow a little. Spring surveys showed good holdover numbers on brook trout and carryover rainbow trout (16in). The lake was also heavily stocked with more brook trout and rainbow trout. Fishing pier and boat docks are accessible!
GREER LAKES (River; Tunnel; Bunch) – Fishing is good at all three lakes. All three lakes were stocked two weeks ago. Tunnel was also stocked recently with an extra load of 12” rainbow trout from Colorado!
HULSEY LAKE – Fishing is good for holdover and stocked rainbow trout. Fish were last stocked 2 weeks ago. Fish are being caught on any kind of PowerBait. Great place to get out of the wind!
LEE VALLEY LAKE – Fishing is poor. Few fish remain here and will not be stocked this year.
LUNA LAKE – Fishing is fair to good. Rainbow trout of all sizes are being caught, including some large rainbows and cutthroats. Fishing is not fast, but large rainbow trout are consistently being caught on worms.
LYMAN LAKE – Lyman Lake State Park is open. Fishing is fair for bass, walleye, carp and catfish. Use corn or nightcrawlers for carp and catfish.
NELSON RESERVOIR – Fishing is fair. A few holdover rainbow trout are being caught on PowerBait. The lake will not be stocked until it stops spilling.
EAST FORK of the BLACK RIVER – Fishing is excellent! Rainbow trout will be stocked this week. Fishing is fair for wild brown trout.
LITTLE COLORADO RIVER in GREER – Fishing is excellent! Rainbow trout were stocked this week.
SHOW LOW CREEK – Fishing is excellent. Rainbow trout were stocked last week. The road over the dam is open, but please do not park on the dam.
SILVER CREEK – Fishing is excellent. Rainbow trout were stocked this week. Current regulations are catch-and-keep with bait and 6 trout daily limit apply. The upper section is closed to fishing.
SHEEPS CROSSING/West Fork LCR – Fishing is poor and this stream will not be stocked this year.
To view the full Arizona Fishing Report report click here.